Sweet Sensation

Upper East Side, NYC
Nostalgia, almost by its very definition, never gets old. Ironically, getting old(er) is what it celebrates. And presently in my Yorkville neighborhood here on the Upper East Side, there exists a candy store that evokes more fond nostalgia and sweet memories of childhoods past than any I can readily think of.
It's called THE SWEET SHOP, and it stores candies, candy bars, chocolates of a dizzying variety—many from eras gone by, just as many from today's best and most respected purveyors.
The shop's proprietor, Kelly Jaime, has taken I lifelong love and knowledge of all things sweets-related and turned it into a very successful local iteration of Willy Wonka's factory, admired by every kid within blocks, and just as much by their parents who love the chance to relive their own childhood one wonderful bite at a time.
And speaking of family dynamics, his designer wife Glynne is responsible for the circus/state fair decor of the small yet stocked-to-the-rafters shop, and his son Matthew has righteously picked up his dad's passion, enthusiasm, and acumen for all things sugar—old and new—as well.
I've introduced many of my friends to this little gem of a treasure on East 74th Street, and now they blame me for the frequent regulars they become of their shop (probably to their dentists' glee). But with the vast variety of candy (from a vast variety of countries, mind you), chocolate, gummy bears, chocolate-covered marshmallows, bars, ice creams, doughnuts, milkshakes, sundaes, frozen ices, movie theater concession stand favorites—you get the idea—you could visit The Sweet Shop every day for a month and walk out with a different a unique assortment of sweets each time.
On my most recent visit I walked out with one of their newest in-store creations. the S'Mores Sundae. The Sweet Shop's version consists of Oddfellows Vanilla Bean ice cream, Il Laboratorio Chocolate Malt ice cream, Il Laboratorio Toasted Marshmallow ice cream, Coop's Hot Fudge, Coop's Hot Slated Caramel, house-made vanilla and chocolate Schlag whipped cream, Belgian chocolate-covered graham cracker, Belgian chocolate-covered marshmallow, and a Luxardo (real) maraschino cherry.
But you would walk out with the same smile each time, with each bag o' treats. And why wouldn't you treat yourself—they're called "treats" for a reason!
The Sweet Shop NYC | 404 E 73rd St., New York, NY 10021 | (212) 960-8685 | thesweetshopnyc.com