Papaya King Still Reigns Supreme

Papaya King Celebrates 85 Years, and Gears Up for 85 more
Upper East Side, NYC — I am lucky enough to live just blocks away from my all-time favorite hot dog place, Papaya King, the original location of which has resided on the northwest corner 86th Street and 3rd Avenue for 85 years.

It is the origin place for the now NYC-famed grilled hot dog & papaya drink, and here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, has been the go to spot for the perfectly spiced, snappy frankfurters for generations
The recipe hasn't changed in all that time — and it never needed to. Nor has the ideology of the "combo", a classic for New Yorkers, of two hot dogs with one topping, and a medium drink — usually their excellent papaya drink, introduced to New York back in 1932 by original owner Gus Poulus, who first discovered the exotic fruit and juice while vacationing in Miami, Florida.
Video | 85th Anniversary
Watch the video below to hear present owner and president, Wayne Rosenbaum, proudly speak how Papaya King's culinary legacy has lasted so long, how he chose to celebrate the establishment's 85th year anniversary, and how PK is quickly expanding into other geographical markets, including the East Village, Brooklyn, and most recently, Las Vegas.
The anniversary celebration was a huge success, not just with locals old and new, but with longtime fans who traveled great distances to honor the occasion with their favorite hot dogs as well.
And though the official anniversary has come and gone, the love and institution remain strong, and I — like many new and old fans — can easily see Papaya King sticking around for another 85 years, by doing exactly what they've been doing the lsat 85 years, by continuing to make the now-famous New York City frankfurter, the iconicism of which Papaya King itself created.
The originator of the "classic combo" is itself a decades-long classic
Papaya King | 179 East 86th Street | New York, NY 10028 | (212) 369-0648 |