"Gentile" Is Gently Sumptuous

Smooth and Delicious Italian DElicacy
New York City is a great town to "stress-eat" when I'm having a less than stellar day. To end my day of mild horrors yesterday, I went *double Italian* food-wise by following an excellent NYC-style of pizza with some gelato just a few blocks at an attractive spot called Gelateria Gentile on Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan.
I ordered three flavors—banana latte, *spagnoli (sour cherries and cream)*, and a seasonal "autunno (pumpkin, salted caramel)—and was very impressed with two of them. The banana and sour cherries were bright with flavor, and the consistencies of the those gelatos were creamy smooth and flavor-, not sugar-, forward.
The pumpkin was less creamy, firmer, and a bit heavier. I couldn't shake the sensation that I was eating cold pumpkin purée straight out of a very cold fridge.
As I still finished the cup of gelatos, with a crispy cone, I saw promos for some other baked treats, and something called a "sporcamuss" which is a light, sweet cream sandwiched between two puff pastries.
That piqued my interest enough that I decided to return the following morning to try one, and it was a delectable delight, the slightly sweetened cream was a cloud on the palate and the puff pastry had crispy shells that gave way to airy, butter, wisp-like layers of truly *puffy* pastry.
Once again, quality NYC food heals and comforts, like all food really should.