“Royal” Earns Its Loyal Popularity

A Popular Staten Island restaurant earns its loyal patronage and excellent reputation.
Just a couple hours after (out-patient) surgery at a facility in Staten Island I was quite fortunate to be told (before my friend came to assist me home) that just next door was one of the most popular restaurant/cafes/bakeries in Staten Island, Royal Crown Cafe & Bakery.
So I indulged, for me first bit of sustenance in over 12 hours, myself with one of the tastiest and most satisfying chicken parm heros this native New Yorker has ever had.
My friend thoroughly enjoyed a veal parm hero (from an extensively legit Italian menu), and I was so satisfied with the quality of my hero that I picked up a chocolate-covered cannola and a cheesecake-filled crepe-y cone thingy, both likewise stellar.
I regrettably have not made frequent visits to Staten Island in my near 60-year life in NYC, but any misgivings I had about having to travel an hour to SI for my surgery were made nil by me discovering this revered culinary landmark.
I was happy to see an old friend, and pleased to now have made two new ones. I’ll be back home in Barbados in just a few days, but it is reassuring that during any future visit back to New York City, I can state any Bajan culinary homesickness by just stopping by Culpepper’s again — which I look very much forward to. I of corse still need to revel in the other Bajan staples, including conkies, pudding & souse, and any of the lovely pastries that are as well ubiquitous throughout Barbados.