Jamaican Restaurant Backyaad Has Me Covered

A Satisfying Seaside Jamaican Lunch in Hastings, CHrist Church Barbados
Finally made it to Jamaican restaurant BackYaad in Hastings, Christ Church, randomly inspired by their Instagram post of what they called “Barbe-Fried Chicken” — fried chicken tossed in barbecue sauce.
My order of the barbe-fried chicken was quite enjoyable, as the fried chicken skin that covered juicy flavorful chicken remained crispy under the layer of deliciously spicy, sweet, bright yet bold barbecue sauce.
I also got s side of *festivals*, Jamaican-style sweet, deep-fried dumplings make with a simple batter of cornmeal, flour, sugar, milk, salt, and vanilla. These too had a nice crispy exterior that encased an airy, aromatic, and tasty cake-y interior. (I don’t know if dipping the festivals in extra sauce is a custom in the Caribbean, but it was to me, gratifyingly.)
Getting to appreciate this meal just steps from the ocean(an a rare cooler day) just made my whole Backyaad experience quite the prize as a work week-ending indulgence.
I was happy to see an old friend, and pleased to now have made two new ones. I’ll be back home in Barbados in just a few days, but it is reassuring that during any future visit back to New York City, I can state any Bajan culinary homesickness by just stopping by Culpepper’s again — which I look very much forward to. I of corse still need to revel in the other Bajan staples, including conkies, pudding & souse, and any of the lovely pastries that are as well ubiquitous throughout Barbados.