
Lily Of The Village

...A successful dish all around, the oxtails were properly tender, flavor, and juicy, accented by the texture of its bits of barely toothsome cartilage and the slivers of fat that just evaporated on the tongue. The rice and beans were light, fluffy and aromatic, and the slaw was crisp, tangy tart with vinegar, and cool.... [Full Post]
Oxtails, Red Beans & Rice

Kale & Hearty

...I like my eggs both with set or runny yolks, and I discovered a year ago how to get the both of both worlds. I started to poached an egg, and once the whites of the egg had start to full set, I transferred the egg to a preheated skillet with some butter. I break the yolk and let it run to the eggs, cooking as it does. Meanwhile, a nice pool of warm, runny yolk remains in the middle.... [cont.]
