
Upper Upper East Fried

...Fried fish sandwiches are a staple in the South—many neighborhoods hosting Fish Fry Fridays ritualistically—and stores in major cities that sell fresh, raw fish (especially the cheaper yet still flavorful and flaky whiting and porgy varieties) as well as fry them freshly breaded to order are as common in more urban areas like Harlem than Starbucks are anywhere in or near Yorkville... [Full Post]

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Energy Kitchen

...There was a lot more to enjoy than previous incarnations of "healthy burgers" I've had in the past, the ostrich meat while quite lean, possessing a decent meat flavor without any gaminess. Crisp carrots and lettuce added nice texture and moisture, rounded out by aromatic hints from the whole wheat bun and a little "zing" of flavor from the packet ketchup I put on top.... [Full post]