
Stop By Go Burger

...My burger was very, very good, with a tasty juicy interior with a crumbly exterior with a respectable amount of crispiness on its edges. The warm, just slightly-tasted bun was airy and held up well under the burger's clear-running liquid, with cool crisp lettuce and thinly sliced tomatoes supporting the sandwich nicely without overwhelming its taste or architecture.... [Full Post...]

We Be Salmon...!

I'VE BEEN ASKED HOW I come up with some of my recipe ideas. At any given time I have a whole bunch of ideas "marinating", shall we say, in my head. Usually, the source of their inspiration could be a random food item I happen across in the supermarket, a leftover ingredient in my fridge that I need to use before it goes, or an innocuous request of sorts from one of you!... [cont.]
