
Frying The Coop

Farm Fresh Eggs | Fried Egg over Marinated Portobello Mushrooms and Arugula | Omelet with Marinated Portobello Mushrooms, Red Onions, and Parmesan

Farm Fresh Fried Egg over Mushrooms

Germanic Monday

...The sausage loaf had the texture of a refined thick slice of good bologna, and was flavored by a rich combination of spices. This was a great dais for the soft-fried egg and a hit a ground mustard, which together augmented the leberkäse's unctuousness and almost guilty amount of porkiness. The runny yolk of the egg, which I'm always a fan of, evenly integrated the texture dichotomies between the hot protein and the chilled finely chopped yet still toothsome potato salad.... [Full Post]
Wiener a la Holstein with Homefries & Red Cabbage

Ooze and "Ahh"s....

...yet having the cheese be that much hotter in temperature—almost liquid in consistency—was an absolute bonus. The sausage patty had plenty of spices in the meat that wound up in the juices of the beef's rendered fat, and possessing a nice caramelized exterior. The homey flavor of the egg still managed to break through as well, and all of it went down handily with a glass of iced orange juice with coconut water cocktail.... [Full post]

To Curry Flavor

...I decided I would spice them up a little. Usually I do that by just adding some tabasco, but I decided to take the extra step. I diluted some hot Madras powder and red curry powder in a little cider vinegar. I then stirred in some spicy brown mustard, sour cream, salt, pepper, a dash of lemon juice, and, eventually, the set yolks of the boiled eggs, using a spatula to smooth the lumps out of the mixture... [Full post...]

Quick Post | Pretty, Good, Breakfast

...I spooned the purée on the bottom of a plate, removed the sea bass from the pan and place it on top, then topped that with the fried egg yolk and an extra sprinkle of chili powder.... [Full post.]

Using My Noodle

Shrimp & Pork Loin Ramen Bowl | Shrimp and Pork Loin with Shiitake Mushrooms, Baby Corn, Scallions, Egg Yolk, in Ginger-Shrimp Broth


We Be Salmon...!

I'VE BEEN ASKED HOW I come up with some of my recipe ideas. At any given time I have a whole bunch of ideas "marinating", shall we say, in my head. Usually, the source of their inspiration could be a random food item I happen across in the supermarket, a leftover ingredient in my fridge that I need to use before it goes, or an innocuous request of sorts from one of you!... [cont.]
