
Hooked On S'Mac

...They were all very serviceable—some even quite enjoyable—and I was self-impressed that my two favorites were the two I believed would be my favorites: The All-American and the Alpine.... [Ful Post]

S'Mac Sampler

Raining, Katz('s), And Dogs

...The dual textures was a novel thrill, as was the different spice and seasoning components in each of the salami slices. The firmer salami highlighted a slight tang of garlic and paprika, while the softer salami had a more subtle taste, letting the niblets of minced fat lead the flavor charge.... [Full Post »]
Hard & Soft Salami Sandwich

Oh. Mah. Jong!

....My favorites were the Spanish Breakfast (you had me at "chorizo", then kept me at "runny, poached egg"!), and the Run Forrest, with its simple prep, letting the shrimp flavor flow through the tender, only slightly toothsome dumpling skin, complimented nicely by the mellowed citrus kick of the tomato salsa, and needing only the smallest dip into the the side dipping sauce.... [Full Post]

Five Four Sixty Six, Three

...Yasuda's rice is a star in itself, with silky, firm pearls of kernels with the added palatable ambience of traditionally-aged vinegar. The rice doesn't just support the fish, but accentuates it as well, helping the tongue appreciate each different fish' individual nuance and taste, from the silky and clean earthiness of the King Salmon to the creamy, briny—but not "fishy"—unctuousness of the Sea Urchin.... [Full post]